• Reiki is a Japanese technique using univeral energy to balance energy, reduce stress, provide a sense of deep relaxation and promote healing. When one's "life force energy" is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, when it is high, we are happier, healthier and more capable of dealing with what life throws our way. Reiki helps you to restore your energetic equilibrium and raise your frequency.

  • It is administered by "laying on hands" but works mostly with the energetic and etheric layers of the body to restore the energetic field, balance your chakras and energy centres and release stored or unprocessed emotions.

  • Reiki can offer a wide range of benefits for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Benefits include:

    Stress Reduction

    Enhanced Emotional Well-being

    Balanced Energy Flow & Chakras

    Emotional Release & Sense of Connection with the universe.

    Pain Relief

    Accelerated Healing

    Boosted Immune System

    Please note that while Reiki can complement conventional medical treatment, it is not a substitute for professional medical care. If you have any questions with regard to your specific needs, please contact me to discuss your particular needs and conditions.


Sound therapy

  • Sound healing is an ancient healing technique that can be traced back as early as 40,000 years ago across many cultures.

    Science is catching up with this ancient healing modality and studies have verified that soothing, rhythmic vibrational sound activates the parasympathetic nervous system and signals to the body that it is safe to enter into its self-healing phase.

  • On a physical level, sound healing offers a whole host of health and wellbeing benefits which can help boost immunity, reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and manage pain.

    On more esoteric and subconcious levels, it can release trapped energy and emotions and balance the chakras and energy centres.

    Vibration and Frequency: Everything in the universe, including our bodies, is in a constant state of vibration. Each organ, tissue, and cell has its own unique vibrational frequency. When we are in a state of health, these frequencies are in harmony. However, when we experience stress, illness, or imbalance, our frequencies can become disrupted. Sound healing aims to restore harmony by using specific frequencies and vibrations.

    Instruments and Techniques: Sound healing employs various instruments and techniques to create healing vibrations. Each instrument produces its own unique sound frequencies that can resonate with different parts of the body and energy centers (chakras).

    Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Sound healing induces a state of deep relaxation, similar to meditation, it calms the nervous system, slows down brain waves, and promotes a sense of peace and wellbeing.

    Energy Clearing and Balancing: Sound vibrations have the ability to penetrate deep into the body, clearing energetic blockages and promoting the flow of vital energy (chi or prana). By working with specific frequencies and intention, we can target areas of imbalance and facilitate healing on a physical, emotional, and energetic level.

  • Sound healing is a holistic practice that utilises the power of sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It draws upon the ancient wisdom that sound has the ability to influence our bodies, minds, and spirits in profound ways.

    Resonance and Entrainment: One of the principles behind sound healing is resonance, which occurs when two objects vibrate at the same frequency.

    During treatments, I use sound healing instruments to produce tones and vibrations that resonate with my client’s body, helping to bring it back into balance. During the session, the body's rhythms sync up with external rhythms, such as the beat of a drum or the pitch of a singing bowl an help the client reach a medative, peaceful state.

Work with me

It’s easy to feel disconnected from your sense of self and your pleasure in these wild times. Trust me, you're not alone. Our ability to experience pleasure is an this intricate dance between our bodies, emotions, and energy – and sometimes, we just lose our rhythm.

But guess what? There's a whole universe of possibility waiting for us to rediscover that connection. It's time to release the grip of whatever's been holding us back and step into our power.

Energy healing and energetic awareness is the secret sauce to unlocking our fullest potential. Healing peels away the layers of stress and inhibition, revealing the radiant joy and pleasure that's been patiently waiting to be released within.

Why work with me? I am a Sensual Alchemist, Artist, Reiki Master Teacher and Sound Therapy Practioner with 17 years of experience in the fields of sensual well-being and energy work. I’ve been where you’ve been before and I know what it takes to heal, noursh and reconnect with your sense of self.

I have a treasure trove of tools and therapies that I’m passionate about and excited to share, so let's embark on this journey to reclaim your sense of self and ignite the fire of transformation within, together.

Ready to reconnect with your joy? Book a session below or arrange a consultation to discuss your needs.

Integrated Healing

All things are interconnected; each of us is a rich tapestry of intricately interwoven threads. Genuine wellbeing requires a holistic approach that considers emotions and energetics as well as the body and mind.

Are you feeling strung out? Anxious? Overwhelemed or disconnected from your body? Integrated Healing sessions embody a holistic approach to wellbeing and intuative energy reading, drawing on a range of tools and techniques to help you ground and reconnect with your sense of self, the world around you and help restore your equilibrium.

During an Integrated Healing session I use a blend of Reiki, sound therapy, aromatherapy, accupressure and intiative energy reading to create a nourishing and rebalancing experience to support you through periods of change, growth, self acceptance and discovery.

Following your session, you’ll be provided with a some practices and journal prompts for your to contiune to work through and refer to in your own time.

Sensual Alchemy 101

Ready to unleash your erotic energy and embrace your true essence? Sensual Alchemy 101 is your invitation to shed the layers holding you back and step into your full, authentic self.

During our session we'll dive deep into your energy and desire, creating a roadmap to sensual reconnection utilising different techiques and practices to help you release and reconnect. You'll also receive pleasure mapping self-study guide designed to elevate your self-pleasure practice to new levels.

Your session will include:

  • A personalised consultation to define your intentions and desires for our session and your journey ahead and identify any blocks you may be working with.

  • A guided meditation to tap into your own energy and unlock your power.

  • Integrated Reiki and Sound Therapy to release stagnant emotions and align your energy with your intentions.

  • Pleasure mapping practices and self-study guide to deepen your connection with pleasure, on your own terms.

    Ready to ignite your passion and reclaim your joy? Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Book a session
