The Becoming Wellbing; Energy Healing, Reiki and Sound Healing Therapy.

Pleasure is just one slice of the feel-good pie...

I hope you’re well and enjoying soaking up the last dregs of summer (or spring if you're down south,) as we wade into the transitional month of September.

It's been a funny old year so far and it has pushed me forward in ways I didn't think I was ready to share, yet somehow were long overdue. The process has felt very vulnerable, humbling and a little exposing but it's something I feel deeply committed to, even at the risk of losing some of my audience, so with a deep breath, here it is...

This year I launched my creative and holistic wellbeing services; The Becoming, my sister website. It may seem left-field for some as it's not something I really talk about on here or the gram but it is an undercurrent that is present in most things that I do. Stripped back, my aim in life is to help people connect to themselves and others and feel good in their own skin in one way or another, so perhaps it's not such an abstract development afterall.

For me, pleasure is a vital part of our lives and identity but it's only one slice of the feel-good pie. Sometimes the curve-balls and stresses that life throws at us, coupled with our energetic and emotional baggage can make it hard to fully be ourselves and access our joy and pleasure which is why I founded The Becoming.

How did I find myself here? My long-time personal interest in holistic and esoteric practices led me to explore many alternate ways to support my body, mind and emotions. I truly believe in the wellbeing benefits holistic therapies and in 2020, (after a couple of personal incidents I wont go into here,) I began to study energy work so I could share the healing benefits with others and weave my creativity and sensitivity into it in a way that feels unique yet accessible. I am now a qualified Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner and certified Sound Healing Pracitioner and offer in-person and absent reiki sessions in London and onlined along with somatic sound therapy and deep drum release a couple of days a week.

In addition to energy and sound therapy, I also offer Play w. Clay workshops to connect you to your creative flow (keep your eyes peeled for future dates) and have plans to deep dive with you in 1:1 in routine resets. You can find out more about my holistic offerings here or read what my clients are saying here.

Don't worry, is not going anywhere just yet, (in fact, the website has recently had a little revamp as you can see) but it feels like the right time to share something that has been calling me for a while.

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to reach out to me and if services aren't offered on a day or time that is convenient to you, please drop me an email at to discuss.

With pleasure always,

Adele x

Holistic Healing Services
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